
Showing posts with label shadow priest legion dps tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shadow priest legion dps tips. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Shadow Priest Top Single Target DPS Guide (WoW Legion PvE Tips)

If you're having issue with single target DPS in Emerald Nightmare raid especially in Mythic progression, here is a tip or two which might help. Sometimes, if you do 200k DPS or less, you may encounter unpleasant experiences such as being replaced, benched or similar situations in World of Warcraft.

This guide will help you to do at least 250k DPS to 300K DPS easily without trying too hard.

1. Talent

Use this talent guide -

Combination of Fortress of Mind and Void Lord Talents will allow you to get in Void Form quickly and after leaving and re-entering Void Form, you'll get Lingering Insanity Haste Buff for 8 seconds.

Since you don't have multi targets to DoT, you will need the above synergy to maximize your single target. Plus Mind Flay and Mind Blast will do 10% more damage with Fortress of Mind talent

2. Rotation and Cooldown

2.1 Opener

a. Mind Blast
b. Shadow Word: Pain
c. Vampiric Touch
d. Shadow Fiend
e. Mind Flay
f. Keep Mind Blast Off Cooldown

2.2 Void Form

When you've hit 100 insanity, cast Void Eruption and priority will be as below:

a. Void Bolt (To renew DoTs)
b. Void Torrent
c. Mind Blast
d. Mind Flay (Filler)
e. Dispersion if your insanity level is low and VB is on cooldow so you can get the last VB cast for maximum Lingering Insanity Stacks (Preferably 38 - 45 stacks)

* Use Power Infusion after you've gained 15 Stacks of Void Form

* Take note the second time you entered Void Form, you will get the Lingering Insanity stacks the Void Lord talent for 8 seconds.

2.3 Surrender to Madness Phase

Cast Surrender to Madness early at around 40% to ramp up your damage, even if you die at the end you will be performing good damage for the raid even at the cost of dying before the boss dies.

Rotation Priorities as below:

a. Void Bolt (To Renew DoT)
b. Shadow Word: Death (1 charge, keep one charge for backup always)
b. Void Torrent
c. Mind Blast
d. Mind Flay (Filler)
e. Dispersion (If your insanity hits below 50% and VB and Shadow Word: Death are on cooldown)

* Use Power Infusion at 40 - 80 Stacks of Void Form depending on the boss HP