
Monday, February 21, 2022

Super RARE BLACK POLICE BIKE Found in GTA 5 Online

Welcome to my blog GTA Fans! We've found this Super Rare Black Cop Bike laying around in GTA 5 Online Police Stations. This Black Customized Police Motorcycle is not seen in GTA Wiki or any other online sources.

Black Police Bike Found in GTA 5 Online

You can find the spawn locations of this unique super rare vehicle in GTA 5 Online in YouTube video below

We're not sure if the Black Police Bike is a bug or really intended to be added by Rockstar in GTA 5 Online. The reason is because as per video after requesting a bike from Imani, all the bikes come with black color. Therefore, this could be a bug when you request Imani for a bike nearby a police station highlighted in the YouTube video, you'll get a black police motorcycle. It's pretty uncertain right now, tell us in the comment section below, if you ever found a black police bike in GTA 5 online and how did you get them. 💪😃

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